Supporting Units

Supporting Units




The Support Brigade is the Support Unit of the HQ. It provides command support, allowing COMNRDC-ITA and his staff to exercise command and control over the assigned divisions and Corps troops. The Support Brigade consists of the 1st Signal Regiment based in Milan, a Tactical and Logistic Support Regiment and the Post HQ based in Solbiate Olona. Command support includes the provision of communication and financial support, the transport and building up of the NRDC’s deployable command posts (CPs), the establishment of a combined radio and satellite communication network. The Support Brigade's main task is to guarantee the Corps staff life support as in peacetime and on operation.


The 1st Signal Regiment is based in the “SANTA BARBARA” Barracks in Milan and it is articulated in two Signal Battalions the “SPLUGA” and the “SEMPIONE”. The Regiment provides NRDC – ITA HQ with C4 support both in peace time and operations. In order to fulfil this task, the “SEMPIONE” Battalion is full-time committed to the provision of Communication and Information System support at Rear Alternate Step up (RAS)/Rear Support Command (RSC) CPs, while the “SPLUGA” Battalion covers the CIS requirements of NRDC-ITA HQ Main CP.
The Regiment was already deployed in operations for C4 support in 1997 to the Multinational Protection Force (MPF) Command in Albania and in 1999-2001 in Kosovo and Bosnia.


According to the historical-value traditions, the Tactical and Logistic Support Regiment changed its name to the 33rd "Ambrosiano" tactical and logistic support regiment, during a solemn ceremony which took place on 1st June 2022 at the barracks " Ugo Mara" of Solbiate Olona.
The Regiment has the specific task of providing life support to the HQ NRDC – ITA and the Signal Brigade Command both in peace and on operation. The main tasks assigned to the Regiment are: to guarantee the support in terms of Real Life and to assure all CPs’ defence, management and logistic support. The Regiment also based in “UGO MARA” Barracks is composed of a broad typology of coys able to cope with the different aspects of “life support”. The Regiment task organization is based on 5 Companies: Transport, Commissariat, Rifle, Engineers and Command and Logistic Support.
The Regiment has a wide spectrum of equipment: vehicles, including heavy transport vehicles, tankers, motorcycles and mechanical handling equipment. The Supply Company plays a fundamental role as it is equipped with shelters for different purposes, such as bakery, laundry, kitchen, showers and toilettes. This makes it capable of satisfying 380 people per hour in terms of Real Life support.
Through the employment of the Rifle Company and of an antitank Platoon the Regiment is able to assure and enhance the defence and security (Force Protection) of all NRDC-ITA CPs. The Regiment medical organization is able to set up a first-aid point for each CP